How do we shorten the economic crisis?
Why will there be an economic crisis after the corona crisis? Because of the corona crisis, people had to stay at home. So they could hardly spend money. If people spend their money more slowly, companies will receive their income more slowly. Their turnover is...
Who will save our monetary system from the stranglehold of central banks?
Central banks are trying to maintain our financial system with negative interest rates and buying up government bonds. In vain, experts and insiders think: "Central banks have no idea what is actually happening in the monetary system."...
Consequences of a negative savings interest
On you can see a broadcast about the consequences of a negative savings interest. It can be concluded that if the ECB now works with an interest rate of -0.5% and an...
The Growmoney paperback is now available!
From now on Growmoney is physically available at Amazon. There's also a Kindle version of the Growmoney ebook available. The Dutch version can also be ordered at
Growmoney is also available in Dutch
Growmoney was originally written in Dutch, the English version is a translation done by Fairlingo. is now online
The Growmoney website is now available. Download the book for free as a pdf or ebook or read it directly online.